Global Business Environment

Pages : 512;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 9
Social and Cultural Environment in Developed Countries : Chapter 10
The USA is one of the highly developed countries in the world. Its society and culture have played an important role in this development. Some of the salient features of the social and cultural environment in the USA are its rich ethnic diversity which is a result of continuous immigration, its aging population, its workforce diversity, its high life expectancy and low infant mortality rates. Japanese society and culture have evolved from the days of the feudal lords. However, some traces of feudal society can still be seen in Japanese business practices. Japan has the lowest birth rate in the world. But this may lead to problems in the future as there could be labor shortages. The German society shows all the traits of a highly industrialized country. It has low marriage rates, delayed marriage and child-bearing, low fertility rates, small household size, high divorce rates, and extended life expectancy. Germans are known for their punctuality.
Social and Cultural Environment in Developed Countries- An Overview
Social and cultural environment in the United States
Demographic trends and their impact on business in the USA
Social and cultural environment in Japan
Social class in Japan
Demographic issues
Other cultural elements and their influence on business
Hofstede's Analysis for Japan
Social and cultural environment in Germany
Society and social class
Hofstede's analysis
Culture and communication in German business
Social and cultural environment in France
Hofstede's analysis
Culture and communication in France
Social and cultural environment in the UK
Cultural etiquette and communication
Social and cultural environment in Canada
Cultural etiquette and communication
Social and cultural environment in Italy
Characteristics of Italian culture
Social and cultural environment in Australia
Characteristics of Australian culture
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